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Cockroach CONTROL



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Friday, April 23, 2021

About Lizard Control

Sunaiya Technology


What is a Lizard?

Lizards are an animal species in Class Reptiles. Lizards are considered as the most successful species of reptiles that has lived this long and now have more than 6000 species of the animal, in all over the world.

These Lizards have multiple types of habitats. Some lizards live on trees, some live on the ground and some burrow underground for a safe living. Some of the lizards’ species live inside the human houses, which can be considered as pests.

Lizards are cold blooded animals. They have long tails and move on four legs but some of them are exactly like snakes and are often mistook for one.

How can a lizard put a human to harm?

The lizards those live in a human house do not put humans to harm directly. On the contrary, the lizards are destroyers of bugs and make the house bugs free.

House Lizards carry bacteria, known as Salmonella. This Salmonella can make a human seriously ill. Salmonella can spread from lizards by direct or indirect contact with the lizard. The urine, saliva or the faeces of the lizard can also spread Salmonella infection among the humans.

The presence of Lizards in human houses and around in the premises can become a serious nuisance. The lizards contaminate the house and surroundings with their droppings, which in turn contains deadly bacteria. The lizard may also bite humans if they are afraid and this bite may infect the person with fatal bacteria.

Humans may also prove to be allergic to the lizard. The direct or indirect contact with lizards may produce severe skin irritation, skin rashes or other skin problems. Persons may vomit and have other problems if the person consumes food or drink, contaminated by a lizard.

Pest Control for Lizards-

Lizard control call for typical pest control methods. Lizard killer pesticides are used by professional pest control service providers for lizard pest control.

Lizard sprays are also used as effective lizard repellent by pest control services for lizard control, in a house and in surrounding premises. The lizard pest control also has sanitation as a major measure for lizard treatment. Anti lizard solutions are used in the premises and surrounding by pest controllers to get rid of house lizards.

Lizard control can effectively be done by using powerful lizard repellents, or lizard killer pesticides. Pest control for lizards uses various methods to eliminate home lizards.

MPC Pest Control Services 

MPC-Pest Control Services  is a very efficient and effective pest control service provider company for getting rid of lizards from the house or from the premises.

  • About Lizard

Lizards are part of a group of animals known as reptiles. They are most closely related to snakes. In fact, some lizards, called sheltopusiks, look like snakes because they have no legs! Many lizards today resemble the ancient reptiles of the dinosaur era. Their ancestors appeared on Earth over 200 million years ago. In general, lizards have a small head, short neck, and long body and tail. Unlike snakes, most lizards have moveable eyelids. There are currently over 4,675 lizard species, including iguanas, chameleons, geckos, Gila monsters, monitors, and skinks.

Most lizards have eyelids, just like we do, that clean and protect their eyes when they blink. But some lizards, like geckos, can’t blink! Instead, they have a clear membrane that shields their eyes from dirt or bright sun and use their tongue to clean their eyes. Many lizards, such as iguanas, can see in colour. Their colourful body parts allow them to communicate with each other and help them tell which are male and which are female.

Lizards smell stuff with their tongues! Just like snakes, a lizard sticks out its tongue to catch scent particles in the air and then pulls back its tongue and places those particles on the roof of its mouth, where there are special sensory cells. The lizard can use these scent “clues” to find food or a mate or to detect enemies.

Lizards don’t have earflaps like mammals do. Instead, they have visible ear openings to catch sound, and their eardrums are just below the surface of their skin. Even so, lizards can’t hear as well as we do, but their hearing is better than that of snakes.

Lizards have dry, scaly skin that does not grow with their bodies. Instead, most lizards shed, or molt, their old skin in large flakes to make way for the new skin growth underneath. The exception to this is with the alligator lizard, which may shed its skin in one piece, like a snake. The scales on lizards vary, depending on their habitat. Skinks have smooth scales so mud won’t cling to them; some lizard species have bony plates, called osteoderms, under their scales for added protection against rough terrain.

Lizards are popular prey for many types of predators, from birds of prey to snakes and carnivorous mammals. Their camouflage and ability to stay still for hours helps keep them safe. Several types of lizards are able to escape from an enemy’s grasp by breaking off part of their own tail. The tail has a weak spot just for this purpose. If a predator grabs the lizard by its tail, the tail easily comes off. It can grow back over time, although the tail won’t look quite the same. Still, it’s better than being someone else’s dinner!

Other lizards have different ways to stay safe. Horned lizards are able to squirt blood from tiny blood vessels in their eyes to scare away or confuse a predator. The armadillo lizard has sharp, spiky scales and can roll up into a tight ball to protect its soft belly from attack. The sungazer lizard has impressive spikes that cover its body, including the tail. The alligator lizard bites, thrashes about to get loose, or voids foul-smelling faeces. The tropical girdled lizard darts into a crack, expands its body, and lodges itself in so tightly that a predator can’t remove it. The shingle-backed skink is the reptile equivalent of Dr. Doolittle’s two-headed llama, the “push-me-pull-you” with its fat, wide tail that resembles the head. If confronted by a predator, the skink bends its body into a C shape, which confuses the predator because it appears as if the skink has two heads. The Australian frilled lizard has a “frill” of loose skin around its neck that can stick out when the lizard is frightened. This makes the lizard look much bigger than it really is, and a predator may decide to look for something smaller to eat. If that doesn’t work, the lizard runs away on its hind feet!

Rat / Mouse / Mice control

Sunaiya Technology


The First Step for Rat Control is Sanitation, Inspection and Exclusion

Regular Inspection is an important first step in getting rid of rats. Once you know the location of the rats, you can set traps or place bait.

To Exclude is an important rodent control technique. It will get rid of the rats by making it difficult for them to enter the home or structure. Rats are easier to exclude than mice because rats a typically larger. Mice can enter an opening as small as 3/8″ wide. All openings greater that 1/4″ should be sealed to exclude mice. For rats, all openings greater that 1/2″ should be sealed.

Rats are wary of new objects, new foods or changed in environment. They are constantly exploring surroundings and notice changes and are suspious by nature. This is why traps and bait stations may be avoided for a day or two. They approach new food or object with caution. Within a rat colony, they may be a few rats that are extra cautious and manage to avoid traps or eating rodent baits.

The Second Step for Rat Control is Trapping or Baiting

The most effective methods to get rid of rats is trapping them and placing rodent baits.

Rat, the term generally and indiscriminately applied to numerous members of several rodent families having bodies longer than about 12 cm, or 5 inches. Smaller thin-tailed rodents are just as often indiscriminately referred to as mice. In scientific usage,rat applies to any of 56 thin-tailed, medium-sized rodent species in the genus Rattus native to continental Asia and the adjacent islands of South east Asia, eastward to the Australia-New Guinea region. A few species have spread far beyond their native range in close association with people. The brown ratalso called the Norway rat, and the house rat, also called the black rat, ship rat, or roof rat, live virtually everywhere that human populations have settled; the house rat is predominant in warmer climates, and the brown rat dominates in temperate regions, especially urban areas. Most likely originating in Asia, the brown rat reached Europe in the mid-1500s andNorth America around 1750. The house rat most likely originated in India.

Brown and house rats exploit human food resources, eating and contaminating stored grains and killing poultry. They have been responsible for the depletion or extinction of native species of small mammals, birds, and reptiles, especially on oceanic islands. Both the brown and house rat have been implicated in the spread of 40 diseases among humans, including bubonic plague, food poisoning murine typhus tularaemia and leptospirosis. On the other hand, the brown rat has been used in laboratories worldwide for medical, genetic, and basic biological research aimed at maintaining and improving human health. Rats are also kept as pets.


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